Displaying 1 - 30 of 244 in total
Life-Saving Windows and “Dragging the Knuck”
The guys discuss how garlic butter without mushrooms is not enough to justify homicide, why it’s necessary for goat costumes to be made of Kevlar during outdoor sexy t...
VERY Adult Dodgeball and The Divorce Hotel
The guys discuss how whale milk can lead to a beautiful smile, when impersonating a ghost only delays the rescue mission, and why Damon believes voluntarily remaining ...
Hood Murals, Octopus Punches, and Battle Drugs
This is an episode of enlightenment for the guys as Ted discovers he’s going to be a father again, Damon discovers previously unexplored visual equipment, and Mac dis...
“If you’re gonna measure the bulge you gotta pull from the core!”
The discuss how long is “too long” to leave your baby unattended in a gas station freezer, when your van’s paint job is totally irrelevant once the mattress is both gr...
A $2.00 Prison Sentence and “GO GET ICE CREAM!!!”
The guys discuss why it’s always best to survey the husband after vacations to avoid negative feedback, how giving your heart is no longer the absolute best way to sho...
Amber Nugget, Kidney Repo, and Customers First
The guys discuss what is quite possibly the best way to compliment strangers at the beach, how Belgian sand is apparently so much easier on flip flops, and why Damon b...
“Oh this isn’t sexual, I need to chew to live”
The guys discuss why a single Danish covered in cinnamon isn’t always necessarily delicious, how an adolescent chimney sweep can commandeer royal undies, and when a “t...
“Peen Sheen”, Tableside Grenades, and Wojtek “The Enlister”
The guys discuss why you’ll never see an orangutan cashing his paycheck, how lanyard usage actually defines your very existence, and when the cleanliness of a wall cle...
The Young Shoey and A Top Notch Fisherman
The guys discuss why it’s extremely dangerous to have a mole on your face in an Amsterdam airport, when helping to keep someone’s tortoise dry can be very lucrative, a...
The Boofing Doctor and “Definitely Not Drugs”
The guys discuss how military grade clean sidewalks could be banned in this country at any time, how it only took 7” for an Indian man to capture a world record, and w...
Hiccup Homicide and TCO Crimestoppers
The guys discuss how office buildings in Norway have posted speed limits in the hallways, when spending $1,000,000 on a property still won’t get you a basement, and wh...
High Tide Toilets, Intentional Beefing, and “Chef stays in kitchen”
The guys discuss why a third comma is necessary to summon a genie, when a total disregard for your chestnuts can lead to championships, and how a magical pill can make...
The Donut Witch and Cena’s Birthday Surprise
The guys discuss why an uncut whopper with mayo can get you arrested, when a $12 an hour career change means you’ll never be far from the beach, and how it’s entirely...
Mountaintop Pizza and A Yellow Card Coma
The guys discuss why an unverified “Code 3” will get a hero banned from retail establishments, what the two most essential items to keep fresh in Tupperware are to pro...
“Retired from Living”, An Australian Snake Bang, and A Gnarled Washington
The guys discuss how and uncomfortable doctor undoubtedly ruined medicine for generations to come, when being sarcastically honest on a job application can super-size ...
“You Betcha”, Gorilla BOGO, and The London Hammer
The guys discuss when extensive eye contact can destroy an entire restaurant, why it is imperative to list your address and full daily itinerary when attempting to fin...
Willie Wagtail, Doily Covered Doodads, and A Painful Bookmark
The guys discuss why it’s so important to order your wedding album in paperback, how it’s not insulting to guess a woman’s age if you use a 20 year window, and when it...
“Hiding Spot Coverage” and A Misplaced Bone Flap
The guys discuss how autocorrect can totally impede an entire canine search party, why a bedazzled butter dish will totally clash with your leftover soufflé, and when ...
AT-ATtaboy and $10,000 Worth of Chicken
The guys discuss how to Target the right sultry stuffed snowman for good time, why having one kidney and limited vacation days always results in a career change, and w...
A Whale Wingmom and Nutty Buddy Cave
The guys discuss why it's so important to hide your laughter when strange toddlers get injured, how landscapers cannot be held accountable to mow while they’re mournin...
Scary Ghost Man and 26 Bee-Holes
The guys discuss when a notary is necessary to buy booze, why it’s plausible to get robbed by 3 out of every 4 people while on a spiritual retreat, and how Damon belie...
Useless Lifeguards and Roadside Wolves
The guys discuss exactly what is the best invention to keep your apples and frying pans from falling under your couch, how French business students can quench your th...
Yermamaflippinpanyet and (knock knock) “Parole”…
The guys discuss how most panda cubs can be both discarded and delicious, when the child delivering a brand new moonstone rock to your door is not covered by the $4.00...
The “Spirit” of Love and Silent, Violent Crosswalks
The guys discuss how to measure the bookcase-to-beer ratio properly while bartering, when porch pirating a big screen tv results in extreme frustration and disappointm...
Commandeered Communion, Berserker Bylaws, and A Deathbed Drummer
The guys discuss what cologne is the most dangerous to wear within 2,640 feet of big cats, how a SWAT Team souvenir is merely a down payment on a new front door, and w...
Olympic Mustaches and “Hillbilly-Walking”
The guys discuss when infidelity can turn deadly if you refuse to look up, how a slow friend is not to be used as a speed bump when running from a bear, and why an ove...
Brain Bowels, Kentucky Vows, and Benny Butt Nuggets
The guys discuss how according to Instagram it’s “nearly” impossible to fit two dozen contact lenses in your eyes, why a 30 minute bathroom break on your first day wil...
“The” Hanks, Mental Ted, and A Floppy Upgrade
The guys discuss why the proper sneaker/ski mask selection is so important while “working” naked, when “taking a bite out of crime” still doesn’t constitute owning a g...
PeeWee Sports and Scorched Ceiling Tiles
The guys discuss when an expensive car accident necessitates canceling the family barbecue, why holding a horse above your head while looking a mile in both directions...
Ocean's 2, Office Cheerleaders, and Red Onion Cereal
The guys discuss how if you wear the same underwear from your 16th birthday until the day you die you will be a billionaire, when a bear will travel 125 miles just to ...